Nashville Redheads

July 08, 2010 by JaynCabo

Hey Nashville Redheads! Trying to find some from the Nashville area, but I can't figure out how to search by city. I just wanted to make sure I'm not the only Redhead/Chickenhead in town (sure feels like it sometimes).

Redheads everywhere: I'm looking forward to meeting more in Cincinnati this September. Who knows, maybe the wife and I will make the trek to Cabo this fall and meet more of you crazy m.f'ers. Look forward to hearing from everyone.



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My Boy !!

July 07, 2010 by sweet5150
My Boy !!
Give to Live !!!

We are sooo excited for the July 14 show. Thank you for the backstage passes!!! My son is the happiest boy in the world. Now he REALLY believes Sammy is coming for his birthday. His comment... I can't wait to meet Sammy and tell him how much I love his music !!!

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Need some help regarding the Sept. 10 Chickenfoot show!!

July 07, 2010 by 302_Boss_Chick
Need some help regarding the Sept. 10 Chickenfoot show!!

Hi it's me again. Told you all you'd be sick of seeing me around here before long. So, the unimaginable just happened and my husband is actually cool with me making a cross-country trip the day after my birthday to see Sammy & the boys in concert. I am still waiting to wake up...this HAS to be a dream. I scraped up the funds somehow and already have my ticket to the show, a room at the resort, and a plane ticket baby!! This is nuts, I NEVER do stuff like this, but I have been bit hard by the Chickenfoot bug and see no end in sight.

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RedHead at the red light

July 07, 2010 by 302_Boss_Chick

If there's a better way to end the work day than being stared at by strangers at the red light while you're singing "Soap On a Rope" at the top of your lungs as it blasts from your car's speakers, and NOT caring that you're being stared at....I haven't found it.

Have a great day!!!

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July 07, 2010 by themay_or

RedHeads, I can't wait til the Omaha show. Sammy and Aerosmith on the same stage? They are going to blow the roof off the place! Let me know where everyone is going to meet for the pre-party and post-party. Looking forward to seeing all you RedHeads.

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My CABO Book

July 07, 2010 by bb5150
My CABO Book
Shows and Birthday Bash 2006 - 2008

Here is a CABO book my wife and I assembled -

Cheers! MAS TEQUILA!!!

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Paso Show

July 07, 2010 by pentaloupe58

Yay - got my ticks to see Sammy at the Paso fair 7/24!

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Counting down time til Cabo

July 07, 2010 by slymer67

Will be there 10/9 - 10/16. Have been there every year but since back surgery I haven't been able to stand through a show - last show was 10/2007 for me. Hoping I can do it this year!

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the foot stomped on me aug. 30 2009 in atlanta

July 06, 2010 by kentucky redhead
the foot stomped on me aug. 30 2009 in atlanta

had a blast cant wait to see the foot stomp again

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Naperville Ribfest

July 06, 2010 by redrealtor5150

It was a Blast! .... B4 and after that ogre of a security guard pinned me against the center fence and started swearing at me and told me to get the F&^% out of here a few times and also threatened to put me in jail if he saw my camera again. Funny how everyone else was filming for youtube,etc. I was about 16th row center left right as the 2nd song started when this happened. I know a bunch of you redheads saw it going on - hope you can help me out here and get this bum reported. Thanks.

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