Let's get this party rolling!

August 21, 2012 by scottys26

Me and my friends will be at the RIU Santa Fe October 6-12. Anyody staying there, meet us at the pool bar and let's party like rock stars! We'll be the drunk Chicago idiots.

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Tops and tricks to select black kitchen cabinets

August 21, 2012 by KennethSteven
Tops and tricks to select black kitchen cabinets
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Black kitchen cabinets could give a anonymous impression in your kitchen if you see a unknown look in it, however, if you get things wrong you end up giving gloomy, dismal looking kitchen which will never encourage anyone invest any time at such place . If you're considering using black as the primary color for your kitchen then you need to give alert consideration to all the other aspects of your kitchen so that you end up with a kitchen that has the wow factor and is the envy of your friends.

Deciding on the source of the color

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Shelby - Sell to me Sell to me..

August 19, 2012 by Pajammiz

Sammy, I want the Shelby seriously and sent you some emails about it. Cant wait to see you in Tahoe over Labor Day. Maybe we seal the deal there. This would be so awesome and such a childhood dream come true. Imagine buying and owning a Sammy Hagar owned and driven car... Kind of hard to imagine.. but I hope the dream comes true.

John Peck

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Back into You

August 16, 2012 by seana008

Just listened to Back into You, Sammy you have the best voice I have ever heard.

Love that song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Redheads.. I am looking for 3 tickets for the October 9th Show

August 16, 2012 by patrickl017

I know its a long shot however, if you or someone else hear of any extra ticket availability in Cabo(specifically for October 9th), I would love to hear from you. Looking forward to seeing other Pacific Northwest Redheads in Cabo for the first time in six years !! "There's no substitute for Red" Patrick 541-261-2425..

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High Hopes

August 15, 2012 by Tomigriffin
High Hopes
Go Big RED!
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Just finished the book and DUG IT TOTALLY !

August 15, 2012 by Brendan K

Just finished the BOOK and it was more a moving experience reading it than I had imagined before buying the book. I have always been a fan, since I first heard the Montrose album at about age 14 or so. Have followed your career over the years and bands and the book summed it all up for this fan. I felt like I was along for the journey. It was very cool reading.

Thanks Sam, keep on keep'n on

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What time do people with tickets usually line up?

August 15, 2012 by scottys26

Been to the b-bash once before but couldn't get tickets. I was fortunate enough to score tickets to the October 9th show this year. I know doors open at 7:30 but what time do people usually start lining up to get a decent spot in the Cantina? Even if I am the last one in, will I have a decent chance of seeing Sammy on stage? Any input is appreciated. Thanks!

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Sammy's beach bar Rum is now in Texas baby!!!

August 14, 2012 by ktanton

Sammy's Beach Bar Rum is now in 3 SPEC'S....and more stores being added everyday...Brodie Ln. store in Austin...Smith Street store in Houston...and Royal Lane store in Dallas....YOOHOO

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Where do you Redheads like to stay while in Cabo?

August 14, 2012 by sheetszone

I'm headed to the Birthday Bash for two nights and would like to hear some recommendations on where to stay.

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