Jackpot!!! We got tickets! So aweswome...We moved down to Cabo last October and arrived the last day of the show :-(. We have missed him many times throughout the last 9 months hearing through the grapevine after the fact about his surprise visits to Cabo Wabo. SO we are really stoked as we are regulars and all the staff know us by name and we bring all our friends and acquaintances there! We have a wall full of Cabo Pics and am looking forward to adding one of Sammy's bash to it! yeeha! Mas Tequila!
We struck out on tickets again this year. If anyone has extra tickets , I would be very very interested in purchasing 1 or 2 tickets for any of the shows. Please contact me at skifvr@charter.net or 618-972-7361. Thanks in advance and a Big Congratulations to all the Redheads who got tickets this year!!!! Can't wait to see and party with all the Redheads in Cabo again this year and looking forward to another Booze Cruise. Great Times!!!
It looks like I didn't get tickets this year, my fingers are still crossed to see if my wife (who got us tixs last year)hit the lottery this year. If not we are still going to be FDIC.